リンデンラボ社のビジネス的成功を導いたビジネスプロデューサー、ルーベン・スタイガー(Reuben Steiger)今はミリオンズオブアス(Millions of Us)社のトップ(CEO & Founder)。
マーケティングコンサルタントで企業本部の建設やプロモーション活動が1件あたり約1.5万USドル。Reuben Steiger氏(MillionsOfUs社)は、マイクロソフト、ゼネラルモータズ、トヨタ、サン、コカコーラ、ワーナーブラザーズなどの優良顧客を抱えたマーケティングコンサルタントで2007年には600万ドルの売上高を見込んでいる。
Reuben, a former Linden Lab business producer who led the first wave of business success for Second Life, has established his own company, Millions of Us. He continues to create the media craze by using interactive technologies and producing hot SIMs for companies such as Toyota Scion, Pontiac and Microsoft.【記事参照元はこちら】
Sakurako’s challenge!! “Let’s GOGO Interview!!”
※桜子=Cherry blossoms=Cherry とここでは呼ぶ
Cherry: I did interview nearly 40 persons as like my hobby.
Reuben: Oh,my God…Wow…!
Cherry: So,this is my challenge.
Reuben: Ya?
Cherry: Because this is the first time for me to interview in English.
Reuben: Oh,that’s wonderful!
Cherry: Oh!ちょっと待って! ※I was embarrassed.
(えっ、Just a moment!※突如褒められ気が動転)
Reuben: Wonderful.
Reuben: Wonderful.
Cherry: (embarrassed)
Reuben: You’re doing wonderful job.
Cherry: Thank you.(wa ha ha…)※Big laugh
※There’s a reason why Mr.Reuben says 3 times. That’s because I asked to him to say so.
Suddenly someone came closer to me.(※突如、ある人が現れる。)
Mr.X : Are you doing interview to Reuben?
Cherry: うん。Because yesterday I made a promise but he didn’t keep it!
Mr.X : Ok. #&’(#’ a big exaggerate, so $$#2# 200hundreds it means 20 #$qYou know, it
Cherry: Oh,I’m sorry…
Reuben: Come on! It’s kidding.(smile) OK,let’s go.
(おい、よせよ、冗談だよ(笑) オーケー、じゃ始めようか)
Cherry: はい。じゃ、これ。 ※From time to time I speak in Japanese.
(Yes. ※時々日本語をしゃべる桜子)
Reuben: What kind of influence will be caused if Google create
the Virtual World from Google Earth?
※He read my crib paper.
(GoogleがGoogle Earthを軸に仮想世界をつくったらどんな影響があるでしょう)
Reuben: Well,,Most likely i had tremendous impact and it’s based on Google Earth.
Then, it would be a reflection of the real world…and that would be a very different
experience than the virtual world that are based simply upon the imagination.
So, it will eventually add a big impact,but it won’t necessary be competitive
with Second Life and other non-real world focused virtual spaces.
There are opinions that Virtual Space won’t work out as a Mass Media and
Advertisers will withdraw their ads when they notice the effect of it sooner or later.
What do you think about this?
効果を知って出店を 引き上げるだろうという意見があります。どう思われますか)
Reuben: I think that its unlikely that the virtual space doesn’t work as an advertising
medium, but I think the Robert’s skepticism is based upon small numbers of players
that others result of unimaginative campaigns or efforts to use methods that work
in other medium with the hope that work in Virtual World.
Ultimately, I think long term success will be based upon advertisers creating
community that don’t feature interruptive advertising, but the people want to
be part of that happen to be brought you by a company.
Cherry: What advice will you give to people who are thinking about
opening stores in the Virtual Space?
Reuben:My advise is very simple.Do it quickly.
Cherry:No,no it’s OK. Take your time.
Reuben:No, no, My advise is…
Cherry: Oh, I misunderstood.Sorry.
Reuben:This is very early and very long process and like the internet, the earlier
you begin to become expert in this area, the better you’ll be in near future.
It’s important to engage in some projects to learn and to become expert
such that when this becomes more than the phenomina,
you have in-house experties and be able to be very very successful.
Cherry :What will be going on in the Virtual World and its market in 1year?
Reuben: In one year, the total market, world-wide, will have almost doubled
from today’s levels. So, a hundred million people are in Virtual World,
but web based and things like Second Life today will 200 million in a year from now.
And more importantly, if you look three years and 5 years out, this will increasingly
become less unusual. it’ll becomes things that we consider as ordinary as the internet
and e-mail and won’t sound so exotic, so just be something you do how we talk on-line.
Cherry: Let’s change the subject. I’d like to ask you very personal 3 questions.
Reuben: OK.
Cherry: Very easy question(smile). “What’s your favorite color?”
Reuben: Blue.(smile)
Cherry: Next question is a little bit difficult.(: – )
“What is your favorite words or phrases? That means…”
Reuben: My favorite phrase is “What if”
Cherry: What if?
Reuben: Yes.”What if”
Cherry: And then final question.Please look at this.
(では最後の質問です。【私にとって人生はXXXXXXである】 XXXXを埋めてください。)
Reuben: For me,life is…always interesting.
Cherry: Interesting!!
Reuben: And I never know what’s gonna happened next.
Cherry: Thank you. That’s all. Thank you very much for your time.
Reuben:Thank you so much for…(※A tape cut).
ルーベン「ヒロシ(Hiroshi)とかいるよね (※メルティングドッツ浅枝社長のこと)」
桜子 (あ、ヒロシと呼び捨て。。。いいなあ ※良く考えたら英語だから当たり前)
「No, I thought you were cute.」(いや、キュートだと思ったよ。)と
【translater:Naokey + Cherry(Sakurako)】